Devorah Manekin
Fellowship year
2024-25 - Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Devorah Manekin will spend her time at CASBS working on a project on the dynamics of protest coalitions in the struggle for social justice and equality. Examining a number of empirical settings, the project will explore how group identity shapes the trajectories of nonviolent resistance campaigns, whether and how allyship across group lines can shape these trajectories, and at what costs.
Manekin is a senior lecturer in the department of international relations at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where she co-directs the Inequality and Social Change Lab. She is the author, among other works, of Regular Soldiers, Irregular War: Violence and Restraint in the Second Intifada (Cornell University Press, 2020). Her research interests are in the field of contentious politics and conflict processes, with current work focusing on two areas: the role of identity, and in particular gender and ethnicity, within resistance campaigns, as well as more broadly how contemporary protest movements are affected by political polarization and intergroup conflict.
For more information, please visit https://sites.google.com/site/devorahsmanekin/.