Apply for a CASBS Fellowship
The Center offers a residential fellowship program for scholars working in a diverse range of disciplines that contribute to advancing research and thinking in social science. Fellows represent the core social and behavioral sciences (anthropology, economics, geography, history, law, political science, psychology, and sociology) but also the humanities, education, linguistics, communications, and the biological, natural, health, and computer sciences. We are pleased to partner with several entities to provide funding for some residential fellowships. For 2025-26, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Korean Foundation for Advanced Studies, National University of Singapore, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, and Stanford-Taiwan Social Science fellowships will be offered through CASBS.
CASBS is a collaborative environment that fosters the serendipity arising from unexpected intellectual encounters. We believe that cross-disciplinary interactions lead to beneficial transformations in thinking and research. We seek fellows who will be influential with, and open to influence by, their colleagues in the diverse multidisciplinary cohort we assemble for a given year.
We invite applications to join our class of residential fellows for the 2025-26 academic year.
Applications and Selection Results
Applications for the 2025-26 year closed on November 1, 2024. Applicants will be notified of decisions via email in February 2025.
Watch recent fellows describe fellowship at CASBS in their own words.

“It was a strange experience to spend time with a group of talented people, who were all having the best year of their lives. For Anne Treisman and me our year at the Center (1977-78) was probably the most important of our lives. We got married that year, and we each finished the most important paper of our careers, Anne’s famous Feature-Integration Theory, and Amos Tversky's and my Prospect Theory. The hill on which both the Center and NBER are located was also where behavioral economics took shape. When Richard Thaler (1997-98) heard that Amos and I would be in Stanford, he finagled a visiting appointment down the hill to spend time with us. We spent a lot of time walking around the Center and became lifelong friends. Those long conversations and those that Dick had with Amos helped him construct his then-heretical (and now well-established) view of economics, by using psychological observations to explain violations of standard economic theory.”
Daniel Kahneman
CASBS fellow, 1977–78
Nobel Prize, 2002
NAS, 2001
SAGE-CASBS Award, 2013