Camilla Hawthorne
Fellowship year
2024-25 - UC Santa Cruz
During her time at CASBS, Camilla Hawthorne will begin a new project that explores the rich historical and contemporary linkages between Black liberation struggles in southern Europe and North America. Her goal is to weave a global, relational story about abolition geographies stretching across the Black Mediterranean and Black Atlantic diasporas—diasporas that are connected through shared histories of racial capitalist dispossession, technologies of displacement and confinement, and creative strategies of radical world-making. Hawthorne is associate professor of sociology and critical race & ethnic studies at UC Santa Cruz. She is author of Contesting Race and Citizenship: Youth Politics in the Black Mediterranean (Cornell University Press, 2022; translated into Italian as Razza e cittadinanza. Frontiere contese e contestate nel Mediterraneo nero, Astarte Edizioni, 2023) and co-editor of The Black Mediterranean: Bodies, Borders and Citizenship (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021) and The Black Geographic: Praxis, Resistance, Futurity (Duke University Press, 2023). Hawthorne is founder and co-director of the UCSC Black Geographies Lab, and also serves as program director and faculty member for the Black Europe Summer School in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. For more information, please visit: https://www.camillahawthorne.com/