We are sad to report the passing of members of the CASBS family. Click on the various links to learn about their lives and intellectual legacies. Are you aware of other recent losses in the CASBS family? Please let us know by sending an email to casbs-news@stanford.edu.
Would you like to share your own personal remembrance of any of the people listed below? Send your thoughts via email to casbs-news@stanford.edu.
Lawrence C. Becker (1983-84)
- Obituary: The Roanoke Times
- Tribute: William and Mary University
- Other: Wikipedia
- Books in CASBS Tyler Collection:
- Reciprocity (1986; coauthor)
Nathan Glazer (1971-72)
- Obituary: New York Times , The Washington Post
- Tribute: Harvard Department of Sociology
- Other: Wikipedia
- Books in CASBS Tyler Collection:
- American Judaism (1972)
Fred Greenstein (1964-65)
- Obituary: New York Times , Washington Post
- Tribute: Princeton University
- Other: Wikipedia
- Books in CASBS Tyler Collection:
- Children and Politics (1965)
- Personality and Politics; Problems of Evidence, Inference, and Conceptualization (1969)
- Handbook of Political Science; Vol. 1-8 (1975; coeditor)
Robert L. Kahn (1986-87, 1994-95)
- Obituary: New York Times
- Tribute: University of Michigan
- Other: Wikipedia
- Books in CASBS Tyler Collection:
- Organizations and Nation-States: New Perspectives on Conflict and Cooperation (1990; coauthor)
Alan Krueger (1999-2000)
- Obituary: New York Times, The Washington Examiner
- Tribute: CNN Business , NPR , The Economist, Princeton University
- Other: Wikipedia
Eleanor Maccoby (1969-70)
- Obituary: New York Times
- Tribute: Stanford University News , Harvard
- Other: Wikipedia
Anne Firor Scott (1986-87)
- Obituary: New York Times , Washington Post
- Tribute: University Press of Mississippi , Harvard University Press
- Other: Wikipedia
- Books in CASBS Tyler Collection:
- Natural Allies: Women’s Associations in American History (1991)
Judith Tendler (1973-74)
- Obituary: MIT News
- Tribute: Latin American Studies Association
- Books in CASBS Tyler Collection:
- Inside Foreign Aid (1975)
Sidney Verba (1963-64)
- Obituary: New York Times
- Tribute: Harvard , Stanford University
- Other: Wikipedia