We are sad to report the passing of several former CASBS fellows. Click on the various links to learn about their lives and intellectual legacies. Aware of other recent losses in the CASBS family? Please let us know by sending an email to casbs-info@stanford.edu.
Would you like to share your own personal remembrance of any of the former fellows listed below? Send your thoughts via email to casbs-info@stanford.edu and we’ll publish them on this page.
Thomas G.R. Bower
(fellow 1974-75, psychology). Obituary: The Scotsman. Tribute: Univ. of Texas.
Tyler Collection: A Primer on Infant Development (1977); Human Development (1979).
Harold Conklin
(1978-79, anthropology). Tribute: Yale Univ. Other: Wikipedia
Tyler Collection: Ethnographic Atlas of Ifugao (1980); Folk Classification: A Topically Arranged Bibliography of Contemporary and Background References through 1971 (1980)
Martha Derthick
(1981-82, political science). Obituary: New York Times, Washington Post. Tribute: Western Political Science Assoc., Library of Law and Liberty.
Sanford Dornbusch
(1954-55*, sociology). Obituary: New York Times, Stanford Univ.
*Inaugural CASBS class
Elizabeth Eisenstein
(1982-83, 1992-93, history). Obituary: New York Times, Washington Post. Tribute: Renaissance Society of America. Other: Wikipedia
Tyler Collection: The Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe (1983)
Irven DeVore
(1962-63, anthropology). Obituary: Boston Globe, New York Times. Other: Wikipedia
Tyler Collection: Primate Behavior: Field Studies of Monkeys and Apes (1965)
Jack Goody
(1959-60, anthropology). Obituary: The Guardian, The Telegraph, Cambridge Univ. Other: Wikipedia
Tyler Collection: Death, Property and the Ancestors: A Study of the Mortuary Customs of the LoDagaa of West Africa (1962); Succession to High Office (1966); The Myth of the Bagre (1972).
Irving Gottesman
(1987-88, genetics and genomics). Obituary: New York Times Other: Wikipedia
Tyler Collection: Schizophrenia Genesis: The Origins of Madness (1991).
Lyle V. Jones
(1964-65, 1981-82, psychology). Obituary: The News & Observer.
Tyler Collection: The Nation’s Report Card: Evolution and Perspectives (1982); An Assessment of Research-doctorate Programs in the United States (1982)
Donald N. Levine
(1980-81, sociology). Obituary: Chicago Tribune, Univ. of Chicago. Other: Wikipedia
Tyler Collection: The Flight from Ambiguity: Essays in Social and Cultural Theory (1985)
Olga Linares
(1979-80, anthropology). Obituary: Smithsonian Institution. Tribute: Biodiversity International. Other: Wikipedia
Tyler Collection: Power, Prayer, and Production: The Jola of Casamance, Senegal (1992)
Serge Moscovici
(1968-69, psychology). Tribute: Literaturesalon, LSE. Other: Wikipedia
Lee Rainwater
(1994-95, sociology). Obituary: Boston Globe
Tyler Collection: Poor Kids in a Rich Country: America’s Children in Comparative Perspective (2003)
Jerome Rothenberg
(1956-57, economics). Obituary: Dignity Memorial.
Janet Taylor Spence
(1978-79, psychology). Obituary: Cape Cod Times. Tribute: University of Texas, Federation of Associations in Behavioral and Brain Sciences, American Psychological Association, Association for Psychological Science. Other: Wikipedia
Tyler Collection: Achievement and Achievement Motives: Psychological and Sociological Approaches (1983)
Sheldon Stryker
(1986-87, sociology). Obituary: Obits for Life.
Morton White
(1959-60, philosophy). Obituary: New York Times, Institute for Advanced Study. Other: Wikipedia