Creating a New Political Economy Framework: Where Do We Go From Here?
Event Details:

Live online webcast
In the wake of a widespread sense that neo-classical economic models have failed us, we have an opportunity to improve the explanatory and normative dimensions of economics by incorporating insights from other disciplines. For example, consider that incorporating findings from psychology and the behavioral sciences can improve the predictive power of economic models. Or consider that incorporating ethical values into our economic framework may broaden our focus beyond fungible individual goods like income and wealth to encompass concerns such as dignity and the nature of our relationships.
Join Elizabeth Anderson, Samuel Bowles, Sir Angus Deaton, and Amy Kapczynski in conversation with Debra Satz as they explore and interrogate values economists should consider if we are to move toward a political economic framework that is more fair, equitable, and sustainable.
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Debra Satz, Dean, School of Humanities and Sciences, Stanford Univ.
Elizabeth Anderson, Professor of Public Philosophy, Univ. of Michigan
Samuel Bowles, Research Professor, Santa Fe Institute
Angus Deaton, Professor Emeritus of Economics, Princeton Univ.
Amy Kapczynski, Professor of Law, Yale Univ.
This event is produced by CASBS in partnership with Curriculum Open-access Resources in Economics (CORE), the IFS Deaton Review, the McCoy Family Center for Ethics in Society at Stanford University, and the William + Flora Hewlett Foundation.
View the promotional flyer for this event here.
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